My recent trips to Bulgaria

The past three months I was lucky enough to go back home twice – once the beginning of December, and beginning of February the second time. I’m beyond grateful for this, as I do realise that a lot of people do not see their families for some really long periods of time when studying abroad. It was amazing seeing my mum and our dog, and catching up with my friends both times. Of course, I took many pictures and I’ll share some of them with you.

I’m a big sunset lover and I always capture pictures of sunsets, no matter where I am. Of course, I had to snap a photo of the one you see on the left – it was amazing!

Catching up with my best friends is always awesome! We don’t see each other as often because we’re all in uni and we live in different countries after all, so when we finally meet, we make the most of it. Processed with VSCO with s3 presetIn my home town, Plovdiv, we have a so-called ‘Creative district’ – Kapana. It is a really nice place, where you could find a lot of nice little shops and cafes, in case you want to switch from drinking your daily Costa coffee. It’s also full of graffiti on all buildings and they all look amazing! I, of course, had to take a photo in front of this one that says ‘love your mom’. I just had to …

I missed my dog so much as well! The moment I saw him after my mum picked me up from the airport, I covered him in kisses. I keep squeezing him and giving him so many kisses everyday lol He even managed to bite me on my nose and the wound still hasn’t healed … oh well! Of course, I wasn’t mad at him, as we were playing and it wasn’t intentional. I already miss him so much.
My flight back to London was at noon and there was sun shining and I had to snap this photo, of course. Along with sunsets, I love taking pictures of the clouds, whenever I’m flying. Quite basic, you’d say, but I do always look back at all the photos I’ve taken and I feel grateful that we live on such a beautiful planet.

london through my instagram

Photos from my instagram

Even though I’ve been living in London for almost 6 months now, there are still so many places I haven’t been to. Honestly, I haven’t even seen Big Ben yet … but for some reason I’m not dying to go see all these ‘must-see’places every tourist goes to. I mean they’re always going to be there, so why’s the rush?!?!

However, there are a few places that I really want to go to ASAP. These are St Paul’s Cathedral, Sky Garden Cafe and the V&A Museum. Do you have any other fun recommendations? Let me know in the comments.

xo Vennie

sunday vibes

Pictures from Tumblr

Happy Sunday and happy Easter to whoever is celebrating! I’ve had a very productive day today. Even though the weather was very moody today, and quite windy and cold, almost cold enough to make me not go to uni, I did eventually go and in fact, I did a lot of work for my final assignments, which are due to in May. I’m really proud of myself because for quite awhile I didn’t have inspiration and had no idea how to put my essay together, but today I took the first steps! I’m at home now, cooking myself dinner, I’m having pasta tonight. And of course, while eating I’ll be watching a TV show. I started Narcos a few days ago, and so far I’ve been enjoying it. I have a London related post for tomorrow, to kick off the week! Have a nice evening, everyone!

xo Vennie

spring has sprung!

tulips.png(pictures from Tumblr)

Spring has sprung (for about a week now, I think … ?????) and yes, I am a bit late to announce it on here, but still I have a very positive post for you! I’m going to tell you some of reasons why I absolutely love spring, and share lovely pictures which just scream spring.

Forget about winter clothes

Hands down, this is one of the best, if not the best reason! With the temperatures getting higher, you start to put away all the winter jackets/coats, the big almost-blanket-like scarves you probably own, and the bunch of jumpers and cardings you so much love to layer. (Okay maybe keep a few of the cardigans, as it is nice to put one on top of a t-shirt in the spring time) Instead you get out the blazers, the denim jackets, the distressed jeans.

(inspiration from Christine Andrew)
Less dark colours

Be it your clothes, make-up or shoes, with the arrival of spring, more and more light and fun colours start to pop out. Spring time means less dark-brown lipstick looks, maybe more white instead of black denim, nude espadilles rather than black Chelsea boots. Put on pink lipstick, maybe get highlights in your hair, buy a lovely nude eyeshadow palette?

Espadrilles / Jeans / NARS lipstick / Urban Decay palette / MAC lipstick
Flowers, flowers everywhere & trees blossomingflowers.png(Pictures from Tumblr)

If I could stop and photograph every.single.tree that has blossomed, I would! No shame. I love the pink/white/orange colours! They are all so so so beautiful! Also, I don’t know about you, but I love to find a deeper meaning in things, even though some people may think I’m overreacting LOL The blossoming trees remind me of new beginnings and (more symbolically) the beauty of overcoming the bad (the winter and the cold days basically). Seeing a blossoming tree always puts a smile on my face.

Days are longer
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(picture from Instagram)

I love long days!!! I’m definitely a day person, and I’m way more productive during the day time. I get motivated waking up and finding out that it’s a sunny, warm day! But what’s more, having the sunsets around 6pm (and later at 7pm), instead of 4pm is waaaaay cooler!

Ice cream, I scream
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(picture from Tumblr)

I mean, come on, we all eat ice cream all year long, BUT it’s finally socially acceptable to eat ice cream outfdoors? Right? Or maybe you’re one of those people, who simply don’t care about what other people will say and for you nothing’s changed. In any case, ice cream is the best! My favourite kind of ice cream is pistachio, what is yours?

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Happy Friday, everyone!

xo Vennie


spring 2016 fashion wishlist


Here it is! My fashion spring wishlist! All of these items are quite affordable, as none of them is from any high-end brand. I wanted to make a wishlist, most people could afford, so I could bring some inspiration to anyone! I tried not to be too influenced by the current trends and simply to pick items that caught my eye, items that I’d genuinely wear! I hope you enjoy this wishlist, let me know what you think in the comments!

  1. Zara Halter Neck Top
  2. New Look Mini Backpack
  3. New Look Black Wrap Bodysuit
  4. New Look Khaki Wrap Bodysuit
  5. H&M Sleeveless Turtleneck Top
  6. New Look Khaki Badge Bomber Jacket
  7. New Look Suedette Bomber Jacket
  8. Adidas Cap
  9. New Look Pointed Pumps
  10. Mango Biker Jacket
  11. Mango Faux-Leather Shopper Bag
  12. Nobody’s Child Laced Side Jersey Tee
  13. H&M Trenchcoat
  14. Nobody’s Child Suedette Mini Skirt
  15. New Look Saddle Bag
  16. H&M Turtleneck Sweater
  17. H&M Cargo Pants
  18. Nobody’s Child Laced Tunic Dress
  19. H&M Henley Shirt

Have a beautiful Wednesday, everyone! I hope your day is eventful and full of positivity!

xo Vennie

cafés bucket list

As a coffee enthusiast, of course, I have a bucket list related to coffee! Are you surprised? If yes, you shouldn’t be! I love exploring London, and now that I’ll be done with uni soon, and spring is finally here – the weather getting warmer within every day, there is nothing better to do than combine two of my favourite activities to get myself busy. I’ve spent the past week going on different websites and reading reviews about cafés around the city, and I have finally chosen a few I really want to go to. Believe me, I love my local Costa, but it’s always better to go to a place that is not as mainstream. All of the places you see below, seem really authentic and artsy (?) to me, so it should be fun checking them out. When you go over the picture, you see the name of the café and it’s postcode, so if any of you have been there, please, let me know in the comments if you liked it. I’ll surely update you, when I go to whichever of them!

Happy Monday and may your Monday be short, and you coffee strong LOL Nooo, I don’t believe in the hating-on-Mondays nonsense! I think that if you love what you’re doing, whether it’s your job or going to uni, you won’t mind what day it is! Still, I hope you have a nice day filled with positivity and good vibes 🙂
xo Vennie

sunday vibes

large.jpg<- Right here, you have one of my favourite quotes! (Picture is from weheartit) I love Sundays, but then again who doesn’t?  On Sundays you stay in bed for as loooong as you wish, you have a big breakfast, and you just spend the day relaxing and chilling … because it’s Sunday! Or maybe you go for a walk in the beautiful weather? How are you spending your day? Even though it’s sunny outside, I’m sure it’s not as warm, so I’d rather stay at home. London is never warm enough for me :/ I’ll be catching up with some of my favourite TV shows, while enjoying a cup of tea and some fruits snacks.Tomorrow is my last day of uni, but I have mixed feelings about it because I really enjoy spending time with the people in my course, so I’ll be a bit sad to not see them as often. But at the same time I’m looking forward to spring weather, summer, going home in Bulgaria, (possibly) travelling in the summer, going to music festivals, etc. Here is a collage of some pictures I have reblogged on my tumblr blog.  (All pictures are from tumblr)

Here is a really nice Sunday playlist, which I’m currently listening to. I hope you like it! I’m thinking about getting myself this lovely mug. What do you think about it?

xo Vennie

some positivity tips

notebook.pngKeep a diary
I think this is a crucial part when trying to get a hold of your life. However, I don’t mean just a regular diary, as in an agenda or a planner. I mean, a diary, where you write about your feelings and thoughts. You don’t need to write a lot. You can just write a small page, saying what made you happy today or what you’re grateful for, and believe me, this will make a great change in your life!
Another plus side: It always feels good to have something nice to read, when you’re feeling down. However, when it’s something you’ve experienced yourself, you get to re-live that happy moment, which could be a great positivity booster.
Tip: Pick a notebook you actually like, and which makes you want to write inside!

0a8c0854b5392e73d21660f5c412e1cb.jpgMeditate (or at least try to)
I KNOW, it is not easy! Especially in the beginning. When you’re new to this and your thoughts keep going everywhere, and your brain just refuses to obey when you try not to think, and you feel like you’re not doing it right and it’s impossible for you to ever focus. This is how you know you’re doing it right. Because you are making the effort, you are trying! It won’t be long until you’ll be able to just close your eyes and silence your mind, disconnect from the world and it’ll feel like the easiest thing to do, but believe me, it takes practice! Just like every other thing you want to be good at.
Tip: Instead of taking 3,5,10 deep breaths before starting … take as much as you need! Take 20 if you need to! Do it until you feel good and ready to silence your mind.
Tip 2: Initially, listen to music, if you’re really struggling with concentration. There are plenty of playlists, for example on Spotify, with meditation music!

gymWork (it) out
It’s been proven that physical activities help with stress relief (read more here or here), so what is stopping you from getting moving or going for a walk/run? I know it may be hard at first when you go to the gym, but after only a few minutes you’ll get in full workout mode and you’ll forget about your worries. On the other hand, there are people who find it helpful when having to deal with some situation/making a decision, etc.
Another plus side: you’ll look great, if you make working out part of your daily life.
Tip: Instead of thinking about how much you don’t want to work out, think about the feeling after the workout. Let it motivate you 😉

normal_three-foot-confetti-ballonnDistract yourself
Last, but not least … in fact it’s a pretty important one – don’t let bad/negative thoughts get to you, distract yourself! The mind is pretty hard to control and all kinds of thoughts cross it, but this doesn’t mean that one should let them affect their mood/emotional state. Watch a film, listen to your favourite song(s), call a friend, browse through Pinterest, clean your place, cook – these are just some of many things you could do to distract yourself from the bad thoughts. Remember, we all have days when we’ve taken off the rose-coloured glasses and everything seems awful, but on days like those you just need to hang in there, because tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, and everything will be alright!
Another plus side: you might end up with some really inspiring ideas, in case your browsing through Pinterest or similar website, or some cake in the fridge, if you decide to cook.

I hope you enjoyed this post and the tips I’ve given you. Of course, they’re not going to solve major global issues, but maybe they’ll help YOU, in moments when the world seems like a bad place.

 xo Vennie

Disclaimer: All of the photos featured are from Pinterest. 

the coffee and fashion blog

Welcome to my personal space on the Internet! This blog will mainly include the two things I’m most passionate about – coffee & fashion! As a regular coffee drinker and an avid fashion follower, I hope I manage to blend these two well here, on my blog and make your stay worth!


xo Vennie