cafés bucket list

As a coffee enthusiast, of course, I have a bucket list related to coffee! Are you surprised? If yes, you shouldn’t be! I love exploring London, and now that I’ll be done with uni soon, and spring is finally here – the weather getting warmer within every day, there is nothing better to do than combine two of my favourite activities to get myself busy. I’ve spent the past week going on different websites and reading reviews about cafés around the city, and I have finally chosen a few I really want to go to. Believe me, I love my local Costa, but it’s always better to go to a place that is not as mainstream. All of the places you see below, seem really authentic and artsy (?) to me, so it should be fun checking them out. When you go over the picture, you see the name of the café and it’s postcode, so if any of you have been there, please, let me know in the comments if you liked it. I’ll surely update you, when I go to whichever of them!

Happy Monday and may your Monday be short, and you coffee strong LOL Nooo, I don’t believe in the hating-on-Mondays nonsense! I think that if you love what you’re doing, whether it’s your job or going to uni, you won’t mind what day it is! Still, I hope you have a nice day filled with positivity and good vibes 🙂
xo Vennie

my coffee-drinking-journey

69e3d1915950b51aa27280847d0770c3.jpgI started drinking coffee when I was 14 (I think). However, I’ve always known that one day I’d drink coffee and I’d be loving it. You know, some people drink coffee simply because they need their daily dose of caffeine, but in my case it’s different. I may be full of energy, and I’ll still have coffee – I love the smell, the bitter taste, the way it tastes when you add milk. I remember when I was little, whenever my mum bought a pack of freshly ground coffee, I’d go grab the pack and open it and simply take deep breaths with my nose down the pack LOL I probably looked like an addict but I didn’t realise it back then. My mum would always tell me to stop because it was bad but I just simply loved the smell of coffee (I still do). I didn’t start drinking double espressos right away. In fact, it took my quite a while to grow to love the taste of espresso coffee. So here you have my 6 year (and counting) long journey of drinking coffee, which also includes my favourite drinks.
(Picture from MssNaturalBeauty)
At first, I used to drink a shot of espresso (we had an espresso machine at home, as my mum and dad drink espressos only) with lots of milk. I remember my mum used to tell me all the time (in a joking manner) that even though I thought I was drinking coffee, I was actually drinking milk … with some coffee. However, at that time, it felt okay. Unlike my dad, I can’t add sugar to my coffee – it just tastes awful, in fact, I used to think that having sugar is worse than not having it (like my mum who drinks her coffee unsweetened). So milk was my alternative.
(Picture from c.debus on Instagram)
One day when I was out with friends at a café, I found out that a latte is actually what I was having at home, so whenever I went out, I’d always order a latte. I still do, even though for health reasons, I always ask if I can have it with soy milk. I absolutely love the way some baristas make your latte. In fact, I think it’s an actual form of art! Check out this post, if you’re still not convinced about it.
(Picture from captain-espresso on Tumblr)
are another coffee drink I love, however, as I mentioned above, it took me quite a while to get used to the taste. But now … I am absolutely addicted! All of my friends find it weird that I drink my espressos just like that – no sugar, no milk, no anything! This is how I like it, I guess you could just say I’m my mother’s daughter! On a morning when I need extra push I go for a double espresso, and that is when I wake up for real haha

When it comes to cappuccinos and mochas, for example, it’s not that I don’t like them, but I’m just simply not a big fan of having a huge amount of foam in my cup instead of actual coffee (like ?!?!), as well as any kind of syrup or chocolate that would make my coffee sweet.

If you want to learn some more about the different kinds of coffee drinks there are, then definitely check out this coffee definitions post! Good luck and happy coffee drinking!

xo Vennie