
aaeaaqaaaaaaaaegaaaajgezmgjknmy2lwzizgutngezos1indg3lwnindzknzy2mjhlmqHello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Vennie (pronounced [‘venɪ] ) and I’m a 20-year-old girl, living and studying in London. I’m a first year Media student. I have a variety of interests due to my versatile personality. At the moment, I’m really passionate about languages (French and Russian in particular), astrology, exploring London in the search for new cafés I haven’t been to yet, taking pictures (mostly of sunsets), and refreshing ASOS’s page for all the ‘New In: Clothing’. I’ll definitely say I’m a huge dog lover! Anything that has to do with dogs, I find it amazing! I love coffee and I can’t go a day w/out drinking at least one cup. I mainly drink espressos and lattes, however, I’m always down to try something new. I have a very extroverted personality and I simply love being around people, even if I don’t talk to them and just sit quietly, which doesn’t happen often because I’m all about communication and interacting with others.

My interest in fashion has been quite strong the past few years, and I’ve been reading a lot of fashion blogs. I believe that everything, both good and bad, happens for a reason, however, in my opinion, we do have the power to shape our realities. By thinking positively/negatively, we attract similar experiences into our lives. Along with all of this, comes a deep hope that one day our world will change for the better (let’s hope it’s sooner that we expect).I’m extremely open-minded, I believe in equality, I try to always see the good in people! I hope you enjoy the time you spend on my blog. And in case you haven’t noticed yet … I talk a lot. Period … oh and btw … nevermind, I’ll make a post about it 😉

All credits for the pictures (both illustrations used in the logo) go to their rightful owners! 


When was the blog created?
I believe in December 2015, but I only started blogging in this January.
What theme are you using?
The current theme I’m using is called Sketch.
Do you own the pictures you post?
Yes, unless stated otherwise. When I use pictures that are not mine, I always give credits/say where I got the pictures from in the post itself.
What program do you use for your collages/the logo?
Photoshop CS6
What is the font in the logo?
The font used for the words ‘coffee’ and ‘fashion’ is called Chasing Embers.

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